Sunday, June 17, 2007


Wow. The past week has been pretty much...fabulous! I got back from Vegas Monday night, and since then I have not stopped! My week included: swimming, a water balloon fight, water kickball, Sonic, ice skating, more swimming, Fantastic Four (it's excellent-e, btw), Lake Pleasant, and chillin, chillin, and more chillin! I did so much this week it's insane! I am very satisfied, however. This week I learned how to knee-board at the lake, and I got a major workout. I walked back and forth between Ashley's house and my house and Fry's about a bajillion times. Needless to say, I'm TIRED. But i feel goooooooood. I had to put a pic on, so here's one of the other day when i took my hair out of a knot bun...pretty interesting. :^) Also, i got my hair cut-3 inches off!!!

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