Wednesday, January 2, 2008

onLy iN Az...

...can you go swimming on New Years. This New Years I went to a party and it was really fun! We played pool, and Wii, and we rode bikes. Oh and we all got gangster nicknames...yeah. And at midnight we all JUMPED IN THE POOL. It was so freakin freezing but it was awesome. It was fun to hang out with all my friends and eat good food! yum. Hope you all had a great New Years!


Heather S :o) said...

It's a good thing I didn't jump into the pool.....I'm not CRAZY!!!! =]

Amie said...

You are crazy! You're totally gonna get sick! Here, check this site out. I just discovered it yesterday, it's adorable and has lots of fun templates.

hilary said...

thanks! i've gone on there before, but i haven't ever chosen one! and i think i am getting sick...

Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.

the Varley Family said...

Hey girlie! Super cute blog!

Jesika said...

You are NUTS!! But, so fun!! :o)

Kelsie Girl said...

haha that sounds like so much fun missy!! i hope to be visiting soon!! we will hang..and go to costco haha!! um sorry i havent talked in soo long...but i'll ttyl seeya!

Jaime said...

I heard about you jumping into freezing waters!! You are crazy, if I remember right you jumped in my pool in the winter months a few years ago???

Anonymous said...

kelsie! yay i haven't heard from ya in foreva! that will be so fun when u visit!!!!

Anonymous said...

ha ha yeah, i think it was like february...good times =)

Anonymous said...

You really are crazy lol

Anonymous said...

It's Shelley! I found your blog!!! You've left a few comments on mine but I didn't know where to find you. Lucky me to have discovered you! I sure miss you!

Mandi Lou said...

You are so silly!

Heather S :o) said...

hey hilary..... UPDATE YOUR BLOG!!!!! THX!


rachie + kennedy said...

hey check mine!